Ministry Schedule September and October Schedule in English Interested in joining our liturgical ministry? Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *Phone Number *To which ministry would you like to be assigned? Please check appropriate answer. *Altar ServerLectorExtraordinary Minister of the Holy EucharistUsherSacristanMass Preference? Please check appropriate answer. *Saturday - 4 pmSunday - 9 amSunday - 11 amSunday - 1 pmWhat other family members would I like to be scheduled with? (If the answer is "NONE", please type that in here)Have I received my training as of today? *YesNoDate scheduled, but still pendingJust interested, need someone to contact meIf training competed, who conducted this training and please give month/year. *Additional comments or questions. If you have a secondary Mass Pref. time, please insert here with your notes.Submit