Christian Mothers Sodality

Our History and Mission

The Archconfraternity of Christian Mothers sprang up from the heartfelt needs of a group of mothers in France. It was a time about the middle of the 19th century, when the secular forces undermining family life first began to seriously challenge Catholic Christian values. A few mothers began to meet and talk about the struggles they all were facing. Together they prayed for a solution. They discussed their problems in raising their children and prayed for one another. In mutual concern and prayers, they found the courage to carry out their important vocation.

The movement solidified and on May 1, 1850 the first conference of Christian Mothers was held in Lille, France. On January 16, 1881 the Confraternity of Christian Mothers was canonically established at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Later it was raised to the rank of an Archconfraternity with the right of affiliating other Confraternities wherever the Bishop of the Diocese approved. Since then, over 2,000 Confraternities have been affiliated with the Pittsburgh Archconfraternity.



2025 Meetings
Mass begins at 9:00 a.m. in the church

  • Saturday, March 1
  • Saturday, May 3
  • Saturday, September 13
  • Saturday, November 1


  • Tea: Saturday, September 20
  • Brunch: Sunday, November 9
  • Bake Sale: Saturday and Sunday, December 13-14

All women are invited; you do not have to be married or with children.
For more information contact President Rhonda Fitz 501-517-4565
or Secretary, Miriam Moix