Become Catholic (OCIA)

"Ask Jesus what He wants from you, and be brave!"  – Pope Francis

Have you or someone you know been thinking about becoming Catholic?

Do you have questions about what is required to be baptized? If already baptized, do you wonder how to go about joining the Catholic Church?

Here at St. Edward, we are happy to help you explore your options. We will try to answer your questions and offer guidance as to how you might proceed.

God calls us all in mysterious ways. If you find yourself searching for more meaning in life, if the Catholic community of faith is attractive to you, or if you want a way to form your children in the faith, we have Good News! The Catholic Church offers a way for you to explore prayer, Scripture, service, and community aspects of following Jesus Christ. The Journey is a process of gatherings during four stages - inquiry, deeper learning, prayer, and reflection. The stages surround three rites - prayer experiences in the presence of the faith community. We call this journey the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA). Whether you are unbaptized, baptized in another tradition and searching, or have children over age seven, come and journey with us.

Catholics who have never received the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation are also invited to join our ongoing sessions.

If you are interested in learning about becoming Catholic:

Complete the form below or
Contact Tina Johnson

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